Liposuction is the best way to treat lipedema. There are other methods to temporarily ease the misery of having excess fat tissue in the legs and thigh, but nothing removes the amount of cells or gives the same level of relief as liposuction for lipedema. Lipedema explained Lipedema is a real medical condition that is […]
A structured exercise and diet regime is imperative to make the most out of your liposuction treatment and ensure that the unwanted fatty deposits do not return. It is important to remember that liposuction is not a permanent weight loss procedure, but a way to contour or shape different parts of the body. Fat lying […]
The cost of liposuction can vary depending on the type of liposuction (traditional, vaser, laser, smartlipo, coolsculpting, microlipo, etc.), the size and number of areas to be treated and how experienced the doctor is. No matter how healthy you eat or how much you exercise there are some areas where the fat just won’t shift. […]
How many of us have suffered the indignity of an extra chin appearing from nowhere in a dodgy selfie or wedding photograph, making us curse whoever said: “the camera never lies”? Double chins are often associated with a person becoming overweight or having a bad diet, but the truth is age and genetics are just […]
It’s a pretty unflattering term to describe the loose skin and fatty tissue that hangs under arms, but ‘bingo wings’ is a buzzword that has sadly become part of the lexicon for describing those fatty deposits that sag around the triceps. It can be particularly noticeable when the arms are raised and then shaken, as […]
The battle to lose weight and achieve a figure you’re truly happy with can be demoralising when you’re up against age, genetics, and stubborn pockets of fat. If you’re really struggling and feel like you have exhausted every possible route through diet and exercise, you may be considering liposuction. And chances are if you’ve done […]
A decision to get liposuction is rarely made overnight and it is natural to think about your options; How much will it cost to go private? How much work will I need doing? How long will it take to recover? Can I get liposuction on the NHS? As liposuction is, for the most part, a […]
Readers of this blog will be familiar with the phrase “summer bodies are made in winter”. As the nights draw in, it’s worth exploring why these are the premium months to get that beach body with as little disruption to your schedule as possible. Home for the holidays Whether it’s work or study, many of […]
What happens to my skin after surgery? The main worry for anyone considering liposuction is potential scarring and the impact the surgery will have on their skin and what it will look like after. Everyone’s skin is different and will react in its own way, but there are some basic points worth remembering if you are […]
Traditional liposuction, even with thick, blunt-tipped instruments, is a safe and simple way of removing fat from the body, through techniques that have been honed and mastered over decades. The modern trend of energy-assisted liposuction, whereby the procedure is augmented with heating, goes against many of the principles of safe procedures, introducing considerable risks that […]
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